Schlagwort: english

  • Next XNA tutorials tomorrow (update)

    Unfortunately I have some trouble with my computer at the moment. Nonetheless I will publish two XNA 4 tutorials tomorrow. One is about frustum culling and the other about multiple object selection. Moreover I did a lot of refactoring in the simple game engine. Stay tuned. *update* Still working on it, damn the delays!

  • Rugby trick shots

    Some amazing skills from the Australian rugby national team All Blacks Skills.

  • Procrastination

    Procrastination (German: Prokrastination) is the word of the day or maybe the word of every day? ;-)

  • Spectacular diving sea birds

    Sea birds dive like rockets into the ocean trying to catch sardine fish. These pictures are from the opening scene of the Océans movie. The sea birds begin at the 1:50 minute mark.

  • XNA 4 tutorial: Selecting and moving objects with a cursor

    Today’s tutorial is about selecting and moving 3D models with a cursor.

  • Supercomputer Watson plays Jeopardy

    Fascinating supercomputer plays Jeopardy against two humans. After three shows Watson turned out beeing the overall winner against both human competitors. Read also this german article for further details.

  • Next XNA 4 tutorials coming soon

    I am still working on the next XNA 4 tutorials and I am confident releasing one or even more tutorials within the upcoming days. These tutorials will be about selecting (picking) one or more 3D models, highlighting them via Post Processing effects and also moving them around. Be prepared!

  • Visual Studio 2010 extension: HLSL shader syntax highligthing

    Today I found a Visual Studio extension, enabling HLSL Syntax highlighting within the IDE: Pretty neat for developing custom shaders effects.

  • Launched

    *drum roll* My Blog has officially been launched. Yaaaay!! This blog will be about coding, cooking, sport, stories and me. :-) Have fun!

  • XNA 4 tutorial: Environment Mapping and Cubemaps

    Recently I stumbled across an article from Shawn Hargreaves about Cubemaps and Environment Mapping, which is used to reflect the environment or any picture on an object’s surface. I like the idea generating Cubemaps from a 2D texture, because its a simple, quick, but non realistic solution. In the Reach Graphics Demo on XNAHub a…