Kategorie: Game developement

  • Unreal Developement Kit

    Recently I learned that the Unreal Developement Kit (or UDK) is a free toolset for developing non-commercial games or simulations and it also comes without restrictions. „What is UDK?“ quoted from the UDK website: „UDK is Unreal Engine 3 – a complete professional development framework. All the tools you need to create great games, advanced…

  • Unity localization

    Unfortunately Unity doesn’t support a native localization system. I tried using Resources (.resx) from Visual Studio in Unity, but it couldn’t be initialized: MissingManifestResourceException: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure „Irrelevant.Assets.Test.resources“ was correctly embedded or linked into assembly „e46f0a679b15cf745b8e1be9f452390f“ at compile time, or that all…

  • Unity terrain tutorials

    Here is a great tutorial series about creating terrains in Unity. And one tip: using a heightmap generator like HME or Terragen classics saves a lot of time. Both tools are free (Terragen for non-commercial use only) and both can generate and smooth heightmaps automatically. These tools are also great for generating skyboxes. There are…

  • Unity realtime strategy camera

    A simple camera script for Unity simulating the behaviour of common realtime strategy games. It supports level bounds restriction, mouse scrolling and dragging, keyboard scrolling and camera panning on zooming in closly to the ground.

  • Unity Game Developement Tool

    Unity is a game developement toolset with a mighty, comfortable „wysiwyg“ editor allowing rapid prototyping. The Unity editor supports importing all kind of assets, a world editor and several scripting languages (also C#) based on the cross-plattform .NET library Mono. There exists a free version of Unity, although it misses a few features like real-time…

  • XNA 4 tutorial: Selection Rectangle and Drag & Drop

    The previous tutorial was about picking only one entity, this tutorial however is about selecting more than one entity in order to drag & drop them around. Technically a user controlls a cursor on a 2D plane, which enables him to select entities and move them in a 3D space. Since this interactive scenario depends…

  • XNA 4 tutorial: Frustum Culling and Occlusion Culling

    This is a short tutorial about improving performance by implementing Frustum Culling and Occlusion Culling.

  • XNA 4 tutorial: Selecting and moving objects with a cursor

    Today’s tutorial is about selecting and moving 3D models with a cursor.

  • Visual Studio 2010 extension: HLSL shader syntax highligthing

    Today I found a Visual Studio extension, enabling HLSL Syntax highlighting within the IDE: http://nshader.codeplex.com. Pretty neat for developing custom shaders effects.

  • XNA 4 tutorial: Environment Mapping and Cubemaps

    Recently I stumbled across an article from Shawn Hargreaves about Cubemaps and Environment Mapping, which is used to reflect the environment or any picture on an object’s surface. I like the idea generating Cubemaps from a 2D texture, because its a simple, quick, but non realistic solution. In the Reach Graphics Demo on XNAHub a…